Wednesday 12 September 2012

My day at Enrich

Today I have played a chess game and I played Katie. I lost  by a check mate. Katie didn't even try to check mate me she accidentally did it because she didn't see one of her players. After that we carried on with our Environment project. Our group got together and made another Keynote to pitch to a school to see if they want to take this project over next year. We are going to present our Keynote to the school to explain exactly what needs to be done. After that we had morning tea. after that we did some research about air pollution around the world. Did you know that the least polluted city in the world is WELLINGTON!!! I know pretty amazing isn't it. In Iran, Ahvaz is the most polluted city in the world so don't go there. After that we played a Wilson game and it was hard. We had to stand in a circle and pass a ball around. When you got the ball you passed it to someone else and sit down in their place.  It was hard because you weren't allowed to talk and when we got up to 4 balls, you had to get all of them before you could sit down.

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