Sunday, 30 March 2014

King of the Table


31/3/14   Wuzzles/King of the Table

WORDS WORDS WORDS! Today we did Wuzzles with the one and only NICOLA! At the start of the session we did a warm-up. First Nicola says a word and the group has to make as many words out of that word. Sounds confusing. But anyway after three minutes we counted our total. Charlie came first with 20 correct words. (The one in the middle in the photograph). So he got the silver hat. Then there's Thomas that came tied second with me with the score of 19.( he's the one on the left) So that leaves me on the right side.

We have to wear these hats for the rest of the day!


Sunday, 16 March 2014

Everybody Was Puzzled!

Um um, everybody was puzzled. Completely brain washed about the Scholarly Habits this morning. What we had to do was say a scholarly habit that we have used during the past week. Since we were so brain-washed, and couldn't really remember any of the habits, Katie said that we have to name all the scholarly habits by the end of the day. Luckily we had a session about scholarly habits with Nicola. We watched a one news video clip interviewing Lorde's music teacher. We had to tick all the scholarly habits that Lorde uses. In the end we ticked all the boxes. A big one that she used was Academic Humility. For example,  when she found out she was going to the Grammies she didn't rub it in other peoples faces. Then we had to tick the ones that we use regularly and write down an example of us using it. All the ones that we don't use, we just put them on a wee sticky tab and put in our book and look back later in the year.

The scholarly habits are...

1.Ponder Ideas       2.Intellectual Risk Taking
3.Preparation        4.Excellence
5.Academic Humility  6.Curiosity
7.Save Ideas         8.Multiple Perspectives
9.Perserverance      10.Varied Resources
11.Goal Setting

Sunday, 9 March 2014

When you are nervous, what do you do?

When you are nervous what do you do? 

Today we had to write down ten questions and interview a class mate for them to answer. It was all about open and closed questions. For example, a closed question would be a yes or no answer and a open question would be a full sentence answer. My class mate was Thomas. After that we had to open up pages and write the questions we asked and the answer they said. We used a head set so everyone didn't have to listen to there interview over and over again. 
A couple of questions I asked were...

Whats your favorite animal out of a cat and a dog?
While your in a running race what are you thinking about?

See you next week!