Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The second day at Enrich

It was an awesome day at Enrich today because the workshops were really fun and awesome. Did you know my uncle was Australian. I think I got my funny Australian accent from him. Anyway I think the coolest thing today was Egg Drop with Alana. It was all about gravity and inertia. Inertia is when something is not moving and it is resting. We had to use a cardboard roll to sit the Egg on. We had also a bit of plastic that sat on a cup with water in it. We placed the egg on the plastic but below the egg there was the cardboard roll. When it was all together we had to smack the plastic and then see if the egg landed in the water or did it crack. It did not crack at all. The reason why it landed in the cup is because when I hit the plastic out from under the egg, for a nano second the egg stayed in a state of inertia, then the gravity pulled it down into the glass because there is gravity on Earth.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

My beautiful day at Enrich

Kia Ora 

And hello. Today I have played chess against Max F and I won!!! I am thirteenth on the leaderboard now. Im quite proud of myself now because I have got my place back. I have also done typing practice. I had thirteen mistakes. At least I bet my high score. I have still got two more years at Enrich but sadly for the year sixes they only have three more days.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Today at enrich

Kia Ora

Hello. Today there has been a visitor from Sea Shepherd and he was Jake's father. He talked to us about how far away whales can be and still have a conversation . Did you know that whales can have a conversation? One wale can talk to another if one was in the south pole and the other was in the north pole, but that was before all the noise pollution in the oceans. I also did plant biology with Darryn and we looked at the reproductive cycle of flowers and then dissected them and dinoscoped the parts.
Here is a picture of plant cells