For Debating and P4C I have marked my self for the beginning stage because I do not share ideas that often. For the thinking one I have marked my self at the at stage because I do not always think and just day dream but I still listen sometimes. I played Connor in chess and I won. He was black and I was white. After that we had morning tea and then we had passion time. I did a science experiment. We used one box of corn flour, a large mixing bowl, a square cake pan, pitcher of water, spoon, gallon size zipper-lock bag, newspaper or a plastic drip cloth to cover the floor, water and food coloring. After we made it we had to research to find out about why it did what it did then we put it into bags and took it home.
Hello my name is Bruno and this year my day at Enrich is a Monday. This year all the corner stones have changed, well there not called cornerstones there called domains. My strength is maths and my passion is stone calving. I love Enrich!
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Last Day At Enrich For The Term
For Debating and P4C I have marked my self for the beginning stage because I do not share ideas that often. For the thinking one I have marked my self at the at stage because I do not always think and just day dream but I still listen sometimes. I played Connor in chess and I won. He was black and I was white. After that we had morning tea and then we had passion time. I did a science experiment. We used one box of corn flour, a large mixing bowl, a square cake pan, pitcher of water, spoon, gallon size zipper-lock bag, newspaper or a plastic drip cloth to cover the floor, water and food coloring. After we made it we had to research to find out about why it did what it did then we put it into bags and took it home.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Week 10 at Enrich
Today I have played Piccadilly Circus. The best time with one ball was 57 seconds this week and we bet it. We got 39 seconds. Our strategy was skipping one person and running as fast as we can. Before we got 39 seconds. we got three straight 1 minute and 11 seconds It was lucky that Luke said that we should try once more. I also played chess with Travis and it was a stalemate but I went easy on him. I was white and Travis was black. After I played Travis I played Max because I still had some time. He was good at chess so I tried as hard as I could but we didn't get to finish the game but I had more points so I reckon I should have won. I also did two science experiments. One of them was a purple cabbage juice one that used test tubes and universal indicator paper. We had to pick if it was acid or basic. Most of them were basic. We used RARO, salt, vinegar, coke and fly spray. That was my day at Enrich.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
My day at Enrich
Today I have played a chess game and I played Katie. I lost by a check mate. Katie didn't even try to check mate me she accidentally did it because she didn't see one of her players. After that we carried on with our Environment project. Our group got together and made another Keynote to pitch to a school to see if they want to take this project over next year. We are going to present our Keynote to the school to explain exactly what needs to be done. After that we had morning tea. after that we did some research about air pollution around the world. Did you know that the least polluted city in the world is WELLINGTON!!! I know pretty amazing isn't it. In Iran, Ahvaz is the most polluted city in the world so don't go there. After that we played a Wilson game and it was hard. We had to stand in a circle and pass a ball around. When you got the ball you passed it to someone else and sit down in their place. It was hard because you weren't allowed to talk and when we got up to 4 balls, you had to get all of them before you could sit down.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Missing out on Seaward Bush

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