Hello my name is Bruno and this year my day at Enrich is a Monday. This year all the corner stones have changed, well there not called cornerstones there called domains. My strength is maths and my passion is stone calving. I love Enrich!
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
My final Day of the Year!!!
I cant believe its the last day of the year. Its gone so fast. Hopefully the holidays don't go as fast as the year went. Today we played all or nothing twice. The first one was the practice round and the second one was the big grand finally. My team one but it was pretty close. that means I'm in the top ten at all or nothing for the Thursday group. After that I just cleaned out my desktop. It was pretty messy but its very clean now. Then we had morning tea. After morning tea . My highlight of the year was when we went to the water tower, Art gallery and the church. My worst thing was must dos and picks. At the start of the year when we did our first technology challenge we made a Kiwi and that was pretty cool. It was also pretty awesome when we made Elephant toothpaste with Jenny. Enrich this year was awesome!!!
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
The second day at Enrich
It was an awesome day at Enrich today because the workshops were really fun and awesome. Did you know my uncle was Australian. I think I got my funny Australian accent from him. Anyway I think the coolest thing today was Egg Drop with Alana. It was all about gravity and inertia. Inertia is when something is not moving and it is resting. We had to use a cardboard roll to sit the Egg on. We had also a bit of plastic that sat on a cup with water in it. We placed the egg on the plastic but below the egg there was the cardboard roll. When it was all together we had to smack the plastic and then see if the egg landed in the water or did it crack. It did not crack at all. The reason why it landed in the cup is because when I hit the plastic out from under the egg, for a nano second the egg stayed in a state of inertia, then the gravity pulled it down into the glass because there is gravity on Earth.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
My beautiful day at Enrich
Kia Ora
And hello. Today I have played chess against Max F and I won!!! I am thirteenth on the leaderboard now. Im quite proud of myself now because I have got my place back. I have also done typing practice. I had thirteen mistakes. At least I bet my high score. I have still got two more years at Enrich but sadly for the year sixes they only have three more days.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Today at enrich
Kia Ora
Hello. Today there has been a visitor from Sea Shepherd and he was Jake's father. He talked to us about how far away whales can be and still have a conversation . Did you know that whales can have a conversation? One wale can talk to another if one was in the south pole and the other was in the north pole, but that was before all the noise pollution in the oceans. I also did plant biology with Darryn and we looked at the reproductive cycle of flowers and then dissected them and dinoscoped the parts.
Here is a picture of plant cells
Here is a picture of plant cells
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Today at Enrich
Today at Enrich
Today we have played a new Wilson game. It is a bit like Piccadilly Circus but you are only allowed to get one ball once and you are not allowed to talk. Also you can only get one colour and then you have to get a different colour. We did passion time after that and I wrote a story called Daniel. I'm not quite finished yet. After morning tea we played chess and I played Connor. We did not get to finish the game but I won in points. After chess we did some must dos and picks. I have done charcoal drawing with Darryn. I also did a wee bit of where in the world. We are doing two sets of must does and picks today.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Wilson Game
Today we have played a Wilson game and it was the same as last week, "All or Nothing" exactly like last week because I won again. Our hackie sack was the monkey again. At morning tea I played chess with Darryn.
When we were doing our Must dos and Picks I did Affective Domain with Alana. It was about Adora Svitak. She is 12 years old, gifted and was born in America. She was on a video telling people to listen to kids. She also said that kids should teach adults things as well. It made me wonder how often adults really do know the answers?
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
First Week Back
Today we started with our Environment project. Sadly we can not go to Seaward Bush because we put the traps too close to the track and people were setting them off. We have to reply to the schools because we sent emails to them to follow up this project next year . This time it's good news. I bet Violet in chess and I moved up the leader board. After that we did the Environment but it wasn't about Seaward Bush. It was about sustainability. That means to keep things going. We got put in to groups of three. I was with Alana. We had to rate out of five what was the best way to go to school about the social aspect and the Environment, culture and economics. We also had a technology contest. My partners were Tabbitha and Connor. It was all about Magyver. We had fifteen minutes to build a thing out of newspaper and cello tape, paperclips and a plastic bag. We had to stay in the box and using what you made and collect the hammer and chisel. That was my day at Enrich.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Last Day At Enrich For The Term
For Debating and P4C I have marked my self for the beginning stage because I do not share ideas that often. For the thinking one I have marked my self at the at stage because I do not always think and just day dream but I still listen sometimes. I played Connor in chess and I won. He was black and I was white. After that we had morning tea and then we had passion time. I did a science experiment. We used one box of corn flour, a large mixing bowl, a square cake pan, pitcher of water, spoon, gallon size zipper-lock bag, newspaper or a plastic drip cloth to cover the floor, water and food coloring. After we made it we had to research to find out about why it did what it did then we put it into bags and took it home.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Week 10 at Enrich
Today I have played Piccadilly Circus. The best time with one ball was 57 seconds this week and we bet it. We got 39 seconds. Our strategy was skipping one person and running as fast as we can. Before we got 39 seconds. we got three straight 1 minute and 11 seconds It was lucky that Luke said that we should try once more. I also played chess with Travis and it was a stalemate but I went easy on him. I was white and Travis was black. After I played Travis I played Max because I still had some time. He was good at chess so I tried as hard as I could but we didn't get to finish the game but I had more points so I reckon I should have won. I also did two science experiments. One of them was a purple cabbage juice one that used test tubes and universal indicator paper. We had to pick if it was acid or basic. Most of them were basic. We used RARO, salt, vinegar, coke and fly spray. That was my day at Enrich.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
My day at Enrich
Today I have played a chess game and I played Katie. I lost by a check mate. Katie didn't even try to check mate me she accidentally did it because she didn't see one of her players. After that we carried on with our Environment project. Our group got together and made another Keynote to pitch to a school to see if they want to take this project over next year. We are going to present our Keynote to the school to explain exactly what needs to be done. After that we had morning tea. after that we did some research about air pollution around the world. Did you know that the least polluted city in the world is WELLINGTON!!! I know pretty amazing isn't it. In Iran, Ahvaz is the most polluted city in the world so don't go there. After that we played a Wilson game and it was hard. We had to stand in a circle and pass a ball around. When you got the ball you passed it to someone else and sit down in their place. It was hard because you weren't allowed to talk and when we got up to 4 balls, you had to get all of them before you could sit down.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Missing out on Seaward Bush

Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Seaward bush
Today some of us went to Seaward bush with Tim and put some wax tags out. We also planted one trap. It was quite hash to watch. Tim said that they can catch weasels,stoats,ferrets and possums. I found a rotten old peace of wood and stood on it and squished it. I also saw a possum home and that stank alot. I blocked it off though. We put some stuff on the wax tags and it was orange and it smelt gross.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Teacher email
Wow Bruno
I was really impressed with the quality of your writing during the writers workshop today!
You did a great job of engaging your audience and you used some really great language to help us share your experience. You also did really well to persevere and problem solve when you had trouble getting your blog post done. Alana told me you were really engaged with building an electrical circuit and a light bulb and you and your group were successful so well done and keep up the good work.
I was really impressed with the quality of your writing during the writers workshop today!
You did a great job of engaging your audience and you used some really great language to help us share your experience. You also did really well to persevere and problem solve when you had trouble getting your blog post done. Alana told me you were really engaged with building an electrical circuit and a light bulb and you and your group were successful so well done and keep up the good work.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Elephant toothpaste

Wednesday, 1 August 2012
A busy day
Today we had the roll at first and I said ga'day mate. Then we picked who did the blog post for the class and we picked Jordan and Luke. After that we played some chess because we hadn't done it for a while. I played Tabbitha and sadly I lost but it was quite close. I did a bit of painting and the style I used was called impressionism. The technique you use is called: tache. That is a french word for "touch". The colours I used was yellow,red,brown,blue and white. I painted a pond with some lily pads on it and flowers on the lily pads. The thing I like about it is because it doesnt always have to be perfect. The tache is when you dab it and don't do big brush strokes. After that we discussed our environment projects and I was working as a group. My buddy was Connor. We were planning to do mural on the wall here at enrich all about Southland.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
The technology challenge
Today we have been asked to do a challenge and Im telling you it's quite a challenge. We had to make a badminton shuttlecock fly using a cup, some straws, a little few of skewers and some tape and rubber bands.My group was Izzy, Jordan and Jemma. We got twenty minutes to do this. That went fast. We had a total freak out and I think where going to lose because our device might not stay together. We are going to judge these at the end of the day.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Last day of the term
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
My day at Enrich
Tonight we are having a sharing night here at Enrich. I'm probably going to go. We played some chess today and I played Alana twice, but sadly I lost both games but I improved in my last game. For talent development, I went on the computer and I made a minion out of cans on ActivInspire. The colours I used were black, blue and yellow. We did 7 new Habits of Mind:
Persisting - that means sticking to it.
Asking questions and posing problems.
Thinking about thinking - that means choosing strategies to figure stuff out.
Thinking flexibly - that means thinking outside the box.
Communicating with clarity and precision - that means saying what you mean.
Remaining open to continuous learning.
Creating, imagining and innovating means thinking up new ideas.
Persisting - that means sticking to it.
Asking questions and posing problems.
Thinking about thinking - that means choosing strategies to figure stuff out.
Thinking flexibly - that means thinking outside the box.
Communicating with clarity and precision - that means saying what you mean.
Remaining open to continuous learning.
Creating, imagining and innovating means thinking up new ideas.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
My brilliant day at enrich
Well today is going well and I am having fun. We are doing canstruction for talent development and we are making a
highlanders jersey.It was quite challenging creating it on google sketch up.It took me hours and I didn't even finish it!
highlanders jersey.It was quite challenging creating it on google sketch up.It took me hours and I didn't even finish it!
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Kiaora Bruno,
You have been working hard at becoming more independent with tasks such as posting on your blog lately Bruno, good on you. You were full of ideas during maths talent development, it was great to hear all of the various ideas on how we could go about creating our canstruction. I can’t wait to continue working on the planning of this project!
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
My brilliant day at enrich
Today has been going good and I'm having fun. We have done talent development and I am doing maths. We are doing canstructions and we are making a highlander jersey and it is really cool. At the moment we are doing the measurements. Also I did leader board chess. I am fifth on the Thursday leader board.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Today at enrich
Today we did Passion Time and I did stone carving of a Poppa Smurf. It took a long time! I am not finished yet but I am close! We are going to have passion time every second week.
Also today we did some speed stacks and I didn't beat my high score, which is 7:43s but I was really close!
Also today we did some speed stacks and I didn't beat my high score, which is 7:43s but I was really close!
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Wearable arts
Today we went on a we field trip to wearable arts to look at some perspectives.There was a glow in the dark place with heaps of cool scul ptures and there were little touch screens that showed some people in the costume doing a performance. My shorts were glowing in the dark because the light that made everything glow was an ultra violet light.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
My first day back at enrich
Well the first day was just the same as any other day at enrich except its the first day for term two. We played leader board chess I played against my friend Connor.
I am fifth on the leader board.
We all played a Wilson game and we played criss cross ball.
My team LOST! Then I went to p4c with Alana and we discussed whether you should ever tell a lie or not.
I am fifth on the leader board.
We all played a Wilson game and we played criss cross ball.
My team LOST! Then I went to p4c with Alana and we discussed whether you should ever tell a lie or not.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
My awesome day at Enrich
My awesome day was pretty cool because we played dodge ball.I was in the opposite team as my friend. His name is Connor. My team won once and his one once. We also did a learning wheel. Here is mine and if you click on it you will be able to look at it.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Today at Enrich
Today at Enrich we played a Wilson game. They are co-operative games. The aim of the game was to pull pegs off peoples backs. There was a red team and a yellow team. I was in the yellow team. We also did talent development. I am in Maths - we are doing Canstruction. We decided that our design is going to be a Highlanders rugby jersey. My friend, Connor, is in the photography group they are doing static and manipulated images for the MADE awards.
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Leaderboard chess
Today at enrich played leaderboard chess and Darryn did a workshop and he taught us about ending the chess game. The best pieces to end a game are the rooks and the queen, bishops are also good at the end of the game and the knight is good early in the game when the board is full.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Today at Enrich I had to do a different before school pick. It was a website that you could click on and it took you to the different wonders of the world. There was the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, Christ the Redeemer and the Colosseum plus some others. My favourite was the Great Wall of China because every once in a while there was a hole that you could go through to get to the other side.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Field trip
At Enrich we went on a field trip. We went to the water tower, an art gallery and the Basillica. We went to these places because we were finding out about perspectives. At the water tower we had to go really really slowly because if we went fast we would fall down the stairs. When we got to the top it wasn't very high but from the ground it looked much higher!
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